Everything You Need to Know About Cutting Fabric

Cutting fabric is often the hardest part of sewing anything. If you don’t cut it properly it can make everything else about 10 times harder. Once you have mastered the best techniques for cutting different types of fabric it will make your life so much easier and your projects so much neater!

Using Scissors

How many pairs of scissors do I need?

As a general rule, you need at least 2 pairs of scissors regardless of sewing level.

One should be good quality sewing scissors (if you are left handed then make sure they are left-handed sewing scissors). Sewing scissors are specifically made to cut fabric and they last a really long time as long as they are looked after. 

The other should be some craft scissors. These are for cutting paper and anything else that isn’t fabric. DO NOT USE sewing scissors to cut paper. The scissors will go blunt very quickly and it will then making cutting fabric so much harder.

If the two pairs look similar then put some different coloured ribbons on each one and make sure not to get them confused!

What are the best sewing scissors?

Sewing scissors can get SUPER expensive but they do last a really long time. Here are my top picks for 3 price points… 

Low Budget

Medium Budget

High Budget

Finding sharp scissors on a low budget can be a bit tricky. But this pair from Korbond definitely do the trick. They are sharp enough to cut fabric neatly and cleanly but only cost £5 which is by far the best value scissors I have found. They won’t last as long as more expensive brands but if you are starting out sewing and don’t know how long you will keep it up they are a good place to start. 

The majority of good quality sewing scissors will fall into this category. Ranging from about £15 – £30. I have had a pair of Taylors Eye (left-handed) scissors for over 10 years and they are still working pretty well. Certainly not as sharp as they used to be but have definitely stood the test of time. Another great brand is Fiskars, they are very reliable and have a good range of fabric scissors. At the higher end of this budget I would also recommend Kai. They are well made, sharp and sturdy and last the test of time.

High budget scissors generally range from around £30 to £100. They are very durable scissors that can be unbelievably sharp. The best dressmaking scissors cant cut through multiple layers of fabric at the same time, with ease. If you are starting out sewing, I don’t think they are super necessary. But, if you have been sewing for a while and know you will continue to do so then they are a great investment. Gingher scissors are some of the best – not only do they look super sleek but they cut fabric like it’s nothing. 

Scissors vs Rotary Cutter


Rotary Cutter


  • You only need one item.
  • They last a really long time.
  • Very easy to use 
  • Will give a nice smooth cut every time (as long as they are sharp)


  • Easy to replace the blade if it gets dull
  • Very quick and efficient
  • Amazing on flimsy fabrics like chiffon or thin jersey
  • No need to pin patterns 


  • Can take a long time to cut out fabric pieces
  • Slippery / flimsy fabric can shift will cutting and make the final shape different to the original
  • Your hands definitely ache after a while
  • Difficult to keep fabric flat while cutting
  • Lots of time pinning patterns in place


  • You need a cutter and a board (and ideally pattern weights)
  • The blade dulls quite quickly
  • Can be tricky to control at first
  • Different sizes needed for intricate areas or tight curves
  • Easier to injure yourself!


What is the Best Rotary Cutter?

I have this fiskars rotary cutter and find it pretty great! The blade can be moved to either side so it works for left-handers and right-handers. The blade is sharp and cuts through all fabric types pretty smoothly ( I have used it to cut through denim and fleece). It can be a little hard to control initially but it’s easy once you get the hang of it.

Now go and start cutting!

Hopefully this helped answer some of your fabric cutting questions! As cliched as it may be, when it comes to cutting fabric practice does make perfect! It takes time to get used to different types of fabric and which method works best for you but once you do, it will be a breeze!

If you have any more questions just drop us a message!